Signature Grant Donors
Signature Grant Donors make our Teacher Grants program successful year after year by making a minimum $10,000 contribution for the benefit of the EPS Foundation.
Each individual, family or organization who participates in the Signature Grant Program has naming rights for a dedicated teacher grant which is presented annually. For more information regarding the EPSF Endowment Fund, please contact or call (580)366-8385, or call the Cherokee Strip Community Foundation.
Signature Grant Donors
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Bill & Linda Athey
Gary & Johnnie Atwood
Paul & Nikki Baker
The Jim & Mary Barnes Family
Jack & Jean Bowers
John & Susan Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. H.H. Champlin
Matt & Allison Davis
Bob Dense Family
Mark & Kaye Dick
Dan & Kay Dillingham
Enid Rotary
Dr. Owen K. & Eve Garriott
Great Plains Bank
Guarantee Abstract - The Humphrey Family
The Henry & Thelma R. Gungoll Memorial Grant
Jeff and Kelly Gwin
The Herman & Gail Hackett Family
Johnston Enterprises
Jimmie & Doriene Kesner Memorial Grant
Ed & Mona Long
Bert & Janice Mackie
Claud & Emma Neill Enrichment Grant
Walter & Peggy Scheffe
Jim Trojan
Dan & Karen Randall
Madison & Beth Randall Memorial Grant
Bill & Avis Ward
Lew & Myra Ward
John & Amy Garrison
Memorial Grants
Bob Costello Memorial Grant
Don Westfall Memorial Grant